The SA Government has announced a second round of the Small Business Grants. This round is only available to businesses in receipt of JobKeeper, from 28 September 2020.
The SA Government Grant applications have now been extended until midnight 28 February 2021.
This means that if your business is not currently receiving JobKeeper but becomes eligible for the second JobKeeper extension (from 4 January 2021), your business could be eligible to apply for the Grant.
The second round includes a $10,000 grant for eligible small businesses that employ staff and are receiving JobKeeper.
There is also a $3,000 grant for eligible small businesses that do not employ staff. To be eligible, you need to operate from a commercial premises and be receiving JobKeeper.
Applications are now open, with applications closing midnight 28 February 2021.
Find further eligibility information below, as well as the link to apply. Please ensure you read the Grant Guidelines (available here) before applying. The FAQ's are available here.
Please feel free to contact us if you require further clarification.

To be eligible for the second round of Government Grants, the business must have an ABN and be operating in South Australia as at 30 September 2020.
Annual turnover needs to be more than $75,000 (GST exclusive) in either the 2019 or 2020 income year.
The business must also be a JobKeeper participant from 28 September 2020 onwards - the business must be eligible for the first or second extension period (starting 4 January 2021).
The application process requires proof of turnover (by way of a recent BAS) and proof of JobKeeper (Receipt ID from application).
In addition to the above, further eligibility criteria applies for employers and non-employers. This is detailed below.

To be eligible for the $10,000 grant, the business needs to have employed people in South Australia as at 30 September 2020. To be considered an employee, staff must be under the control of the business, receiving regular salary/wages (with tax being withheld) and receiving superannuation paid by the employer. A sub-contractor is not an employee.
The total payroll needs to be less than $1.5 million, and the business cannot be in receipt of a payroll tax waiver or deferral. This is assessed based on wages in the 2019 or 2020 financial years.

To be eligible for the $3,000 grant as a non-employing business, the business must be operating from a commercial premises.
Applicants must provide the Certificate of Title reference or valuation number reference for the commercial premise that the business operates from. For the purpose of the grant, residential premises and vacant land are not considered commercial premises.
The business must also provide evidence that the business operates from the premises, this can be a current commercial rental/lease agreement of six months or longer (for a tenant or licensee) or the most recent council rates notice (for a tenant, licensee or owner/occupier).
The council rates notice must have an eligible land use code (refer to "What is meant by a commercial premises?" in the FAQ for more information regarding eligible codes).